The north-western range of Tenerife is intriguing to investigate. The Teno Mountains are completely delightful and the enchanting towns, for example, Garachico and Icod de los Vinos are well worth a visit, particularly in the event that you need to see the veritable side of the island.
Garachico is a little angling port that was practically completely demolished by magma streaming down to the ocean in 1706. The magma hardened and framed a little landmass whereupon parts of Garachico were reconstructed. The most well known survivor of this volcanic upheaval is the wonderfully saved Castillo de San Miguel (Castle of St. Michael). At the foot of the château a few pumice pools have shaped and numerous individuals chill in them.
On the off chance that you jump at the chance to meander around cobbled avenues taking in the conventional Canarian courts and structural engineering, then you will delight in going to this perfect town — it is a long ways from the dynamic coastline resorts on the south drift and exhibits that Tenerife is about significantly more than simply sun and ocean.
In the primary square, Plaza de la Libertad, there are two excellent resplendent holy places that were remade after the volcanic emission. The Iglesia de Santa Ana (Church of holy person Anne) and the Iglesia de San Francisco (Church of Saint Francis), which has a showy Mudéjar enrichment, a mix of Muslim and Christian structural engineering.
Among the numerous eminent spots to investigate along Tenerife's north drift is the curious town of Icod de Los Vinos. This is one of Tenerife's most seasoned towns, with a renowned mythical beast tree (Drago Milenario) as the principle fascination. This tree is accepted to be in excess of 1,000 years of age. In spite of the fact that its true age remains a riddle masters put it at about 300 years. Be careful, there is a charge to see this tree however it might be seen better from the patio of the congregation that ignores it. Regardless, the critical thing about this tree is truly its excellence. An alternate striking regular fascination is the Cueva del Viento (Wind Cave) a complex magma tube, one of the biggest on the planet, which guests can stroll through and investigate.
Other than a few attractions, for example, the Convento de San Agustín (Convent of Saint Augustine), the Iglesia de San Marcos (Church of Saint Mark) and the Mariposario del Drago (a tropical enclosure with butterflies), as you would expect, simply a couple of kilometers outside the town you will discover Playa San Marcos, a brilliant little sunny shore.
There are also several resorts in the north area of Tenerife, so you can decide to spend some days in this part of the island.
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