Located in the north of Tenerife within the beautiful valley of the same name, La Orotava is an old town distinguished by its architecture and traditional Canarian atmosphere. Charming and attractive, this whole area is a stunning showcase of picturesque houses, buildings and quaint cobbled streets — perfect for scenic photographs.
The old historic centre should certainly be visited. The Concepción Parish Church is a beautiful monument and the Casa de los Balcones (house of the balconies) is a perfect example of the island's unique architecture.
The town also has a botanical garden, La Hijuela del Botánico, with more than 3,000 different tropical and subtropical plant species mainly of South and Central American, African and Australian origin. In the city centre the Jardín Victoria (Victoria Garden), also known as the Jardines del Marquesado de la Quinta Roja, is a recreational green area with many walking paths amid trees and flowers. Here you will also find the Carrara Marble Mausoleum, designed by French architect Adolph Coquet in 1882, who built this intricate tomb for the freemason Marqués de la Quinta Roja. When the member of the Taoro Masonic Lodge died, his mother and widow disagreed on where to lay his body to rest and the crypt of white marble carvings and niches was not used for its original purpose. No one is sure what is inside.
In the Orotava Mountains there are many paths where walkers can enjoy trekking excursions, some of which reach the protected national park area of Cañadas del Teide.
La Orotava offers three beautiful volcanic sand beaches - El Bollullo, Martín Alonso and El Rincón - all of which are rarely crowded.
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