The Anaga Mountains involve a vast area of the northeast piece of Tenerife and comprise of coastline, gorges, woods and towns that are so remote it is astonishing that anybody really exists in them. This entire range is an ensured characteristic scene, is amazingly wonderful and brimming with wanders aimlessly that will please and astound.
Here you will discover spots of common and grand investment, for example, the Roques de Anaga; fascinating rock creations in the ocean that have been reshaped by disintegration and are regular landmarks of Tenerife.
A fabulous trek leads up the Barranco de Las Huertas, a substantial range of plant vitality over the Anaga range, where you will have the opportunity to appreciate stunning perspectives over the rugged north drift.
With all its incredible magnificence, the surrounding Anaga Mountain district is still moderately unexplored and little towns, cut off from the fundamental streets uncover a "Concealed Tenerife". In these towns some individuals really still live in holes; visit, invest sooner or later and run across!
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