Masca is a standout amongst the most pleasant parts of the island and is found in the northwest at the foot of the Teno Mountains. This excellent little town may be sort of hard to arrive at however it is well worth the excursion, which takes you through profound gorges interweaved with rich green vegetation and slowing down with hair clip twists. The landscape on the way is amazing and once you arrive at Masca, the characteristic magnificence of this staggering area is overpowering.
As of not long ago it was for all intents and purpose obscure, however has now turned into a core of fascination for those touring the island. The setting of the town is supernatural and its homes roost dubiously on the limited edges of sensational rock establishments. It truly is a photographic artist's dream end.
Rumored to have been a privateer hideaway, the little Bay of Masca on the coast is a three-hour stroll from the town through sensational view. It is worth taking notice that once down in Masca, you need to either stroll back (which takes any longer and obliges an elevated amount of wellness) or take a boat from the coast to close-by Los Gigantes.
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